Полицейские активно используют резиновые пули, разгоняя протестующих против убийства чернокожего Джорджа Флойда
Многие демонстранты впервые столкнулись с резиновыми пулями, их размер стал для многих шоком
In case you are wondering, this is the size of a rubber bullet. I saw these all over the ground in LA. pic.twitter.com/hbHX33WBIO
— Tamara Dhia (@tamaradhia) June 1, 2020
"Не думал, что резиновые пули такие... и этим чертовы копы стреляют людям в лицо?"
Idk what I thought a rubber bullet looked like but it wasnt this... These hoe ass police officers shooting people in the FACE with these!!?? pic.twitter.com/6egFzatRcA
"Кому интересно - вот они какие, резиновые пули. Эту подобрал фотограф после демонстрации"
For anyone that wonders what a rubber bullet looks like. This was found by one of our photographers last night after the protest downtown. pic.twitter.com/jYuc8RojwG
— Spencer Joseph (@SpencerJosephTV) June 1, 2020
А это - резиновая пуля, которую выпустил по демонстрантам полицейский в Фениксе
This is a picture of what the rubber ball looks like that Phoenix Police fired in our direction earlier hitting me in the left thigh. #12News pic.twitter.com/uvsci1laop
— JOSH SANDERS (@JoshSandersTV) May 31, 2020
Вот такую рану нанесла резиновая пуля репортеру из Феникса
The aftermath of being hit by a Phoenix Police rubber ball night 3 of the protests. #12News pic.twitter.com/7K5q3Tp1WD
— JOSH SANDERS (@JoshSandersTV) May 31, 2020
Журналист из Лос-Анджелеса получил резиновую пулю в горло
I just got hit by a rubber bullet near the bottom of my throat. I had just interviewed a man with my phone at 3rd and Pine and a police officer aimed and shot me in the throat, I saw the bullet bounce onto the street @LAist @kpcc OK, that’s one way to stop me, for a while pic.twitter.com/9C2u5KmscG
— Adolfo Guzman-Lopez (@AGuzmanLopez) June 1, 2020
А это - ранение резиновой пулей у звукооператора CBS из Миннеаполиса
Police in Minneapolis are firing on us (press) with rubber bullets. Our sound engineer John Marschitz was hit. He is ok. We were not standing within 500 feet of any protesters at the time, and we had credentials displayed and cameras out. #cbsnews pic.twitter.com/Ai6Qd8gLjz
— Michael George (@MikeGeorgeCBS) May 31, 2020
Линде Тирадо, фотографу из Миннеаполиса, резиновая пуля попала в глаз
Hey folks, took a tracer found to the face (I think, given my backpack) and am headed into surgery to see if we can save my left eye
— Linda Tirado (@KillerMartinis) May 30, 2020
Am wisely not gonna be on Twitter while I’m on morphine
Stay safe folks pic.twitter.com/apZOyGrcBO
Резиновая пуля - это отнюдь не пейнтбольный шарик. Это мощное оружие
LAPD just shot me and protestors gathered at Beverly & Fairfax with rubber bullets. I was holding my press badge above my head. pic.twitter.com/9YCXq3rUvc
— Cerise Castle (@cerisecastle) May 30, 2020
For anyone wondering. This is what a rubber bullet looks like. I grabbed one off the ground. pic.twitter.com/I2de8uKafd
— Alexis Timko (@AlexisTimko) May 31, 2020
Rubber bullet found in downtown lastnight #DallasProtest pic.twitter.com/QFRygAanoX
— nate🥇 (@n8boof) June 1, 2020
Источник: — переведено специально для fishki.net
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