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В ОАЭ в 50-градусную жару искусственно вызвали проливные дожди

В ОАЭ в 50-градусную жару искусственно вызвали проливные дожди


Ученые при помощи дронов успешно протестировали новую технологию.


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jakob 2 года назад
want to thank Bruoequickhack for their professionalism in granting me remote access to 2 different iPhones within few hours. I could read all SMS, whatsapp messages, Facebook messenger, photos and videos, GPS tracking and even recording phone conversation. I can't say much because I am still hurting from the secrets I uncovered. I probably would be dead by now if I hadn't read the messages between both parties. If you are searching for such help I will recommend them, you can contact them via Bruoequickhack@gmail.come
Jessica Lewis 2 года назад
I highly recommend this fair service. Wizard James Recovery Service did a fantastic job at recovering my life savings which got stolen. I had a stressful situations going on and they were so patient with me and did help me through this. The staff members seemed legit, not just classifying the problem and charging not without good response. I must commend them for recovering my money from the people who stole from me. If you are ever in need of such service, you can contact them via:, or WhatsApp: +1 (863) 254-2842
Julia Fineman 2 года назад
This company (Wizard James Recovery services) caught my husband cheating. The software and monitoring was all hidden within the browsing app. I contacted them, and paid 1/2 of the fee upfront and they did not fail to deliver. They are timely, great customer service, they do respect the time that they have projected and apologize if there are any delays. If you are ever in need this service you can contact them.
WhatsApp: +1 (863) 254-2842
Andres 3 года назад
Good day to you all my beloved, I'm Mrs. Robert Linda from Atlanta Georgia here in United State, myself and my husband has been a victim of fraud for the past two years thinking it was real, we discovered very late and didn't want to accept the truth simply because it will cause nothing good but sadness, unfortunately we got tired and end up being more scammed by eight fake recovery agent, only one scammer who seems to be human enough then opened up to us that he was a scam and only one true hacker is over the internet which he knows about and then gave us wizardharry (@) programmer (.) net and also his WhatsApp (+1) 807/ 808/6168, we contacted him and waited for 48 hours and all our 2 years lost hope were fully recovered back to us, indeed Wizard Harry is an old soul and excellent. I and my husband are in our late 80s, i bet you to try wizard Harry with all confidence.
erasmo 4 года назад
Вам нужен хакер? Вам нужно следить за своим супругом, получая доступ к его электронной почте? Как родитель,
если вы хотите знать, что ваши дети делают ежедневно в социальных сетях (включая facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp,
WeChat и другие, чтобы убедиться, что у них нет проблем? Что бы это ни было, начиная от работы в банке, подбрасывания наличных, криминального досье,
DMV, Taxes, назовите это, он выполнит свою работу. тогда владимир коларов из - ваш мужчина. Он профессиональный хакер с более чем 20-летним опытом.
Свяжитесь с ним по адресу или отправьте текст / позвоните на (646) 948-8125… Свяжитесь с ним, и все готово. у них есть замечательный обзор на Reddit.
erasmo 4 года назад
Do you need a hacker? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent,
if you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks (This includes facebook, twitter ,instagram, whatsapp,
WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is,Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records,
DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done. then vladimir kolarov of is your man. He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience.
Contact him at or text/ call to (646) 948-8125 …Contact him and Its done. they have a wonderful review on reddit.
Basin 4 года назад
а потом удивляются почему Германию залило .
Улыбака Bill 4 года назад
Воистину акбар!
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