Актриса и певица Ирен Папас (урожденная Ирини Лелеку) родилась 3 сентября 1926 года в городе Хилиомоди (Греция).
В Театральном институте при Афинском Национальном театре училась у Димитриса Рондириса, ученика Макса Рейнхардта. В театре играла в драмах Ибсена. Как киноактриса дебютировала в 1948-м в Греции, где ее открыл Элиа Казан. Позже, помимо Греции, снималась в Италии, Франции, США, Португалии, Югославии и других странах. На ее счету 85 фильмов, многие принадлежат известным режиссерам. Исполняла песни Вангелиса, Микиса Теодоракиса.
Actress and singer Irene Papas (née Irini Leleku) was born on September 3, 1926 in the city of Hiliomody (Greece). At the Theater Institute at the National Theater of Athens, she studied under Dimitris Rondiris, a student of Max Reinhardt. In the theater she played in the dramas of Ibsen. She made her film debut in 1948 in Greece, where she was discovered by Elia Kazan. Later, in addition to Greece, she starred in Italy, France, USA, Portugal, Yugoslavia and other countries. She has 85 films on her account, many of them belong to famous directors. She sang songs by Vangelis, Mikis Theodorakis.
Actress and singer Irene Papas (née Irini Leleku) was born on September 3, 1926 in the city of Hiliomody (Greece). At the Theater Institute at the National Theater of Athens, she studied under Dimitris Rondiris, a student of Max Reinhardt. In the theater she played in the dramas of Ibsen. She made her film debut in 1948 in Greece, where she was discovered by Elia Kazan. Later, in addition to Greece, she starred in Italy, France, USA, Portugal, Yugoslavia and other countries. She has 85 films on her account, many of them belong to famous directors. She sang songs by Vangelis, Mikis Theodorakis.
Источник: Инстаграм (запрещён в РФ)
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