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Давайте вместе посмотрим на более чем 30 летнюю историю развития женских персонажей в компьютерных играх. Если по вашему мнению кого-то не хватает, то добавляйте свои фотографии в комментариях.
1982: Ms. Pacman (Ms. Pacman)
1985: Carmen Sandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
1985: Peach Toadstool (Super Mario Bros.)
1986: Samus Aran (Metroid)
1986: Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
1987: Fawn (Leisure Suit Larry 1)
1987: Giana und Maria (Giana Sisters)
1987: Razor (Maniac Mansion)
1988: Kalalau (Leisure Suit Larry 2)
1988: Christina (Wasteland)
1988: Rosella von Daventry (King's Quest IV)
1989: Passionate Patti (Leisure Suit Larry 3)
1990: Elvira (Mistress of the Dark)
1990: Jeannette "Angel" Devereaux (Wing Commander)
1990: Tanaka "Spirit" Mariko (Wing Commander)
1992: Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat)
1992: Sophia Hapgood (Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis)
1993: Dawn (Lands of Lore)
1993: Grace Nakimura (Gabriel Knight 1)
1993: Laverne (Day of the Tentacle)
1993: Zanthia (Legend of Kyrandia)
1994: Rachel Coriolis (Wing Commander III)
1994: Nina Williams (Tekken)
1994: Shodan (System Shock)
1995: Tia Carrere (Daedalus Encounter)
1996: Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
1996: Nico Collard (Baphomets Fluch)
1996: Tanya Adams (C&C Alarmstufe Rot 1)
1997: Crystal Steele (Blade Runner)
1997: Dark Mistress (Dungeon Keeper)
1997: Lula (The Sexy Empire)
1997: Rogue (Diablo 1)
1997: Aeris Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
1997: Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII)
1998: Claire Redfield (Resident Evil 2)
1998: Elexis Sinclair (Sin)
1998: Jaheira (Baldur's Gate)
1998: Mara Jade (StarWars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith)
1998: Mercedes Colomar (Grim Fandango)
1998: Victoria (Thief: Dark Project)
1998: Sarah Kerrigan (Star Craft)
1999: Amy Rose (Sonic Adventure)
1999: April Ryan (Longest Journey)
1999: Hunter (Q3A)
1999: Marion (Outcast)
1999: Rynn (Drakan)
1999: Annah (Planescape Torment)
1999: Fall from Grace (Planescape Torment)
1999: Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII)
2000: Amazone (Diablo 2)
2000: Delphi (Giants: Citizen Kabuto)
2000: Cate Archer (NOLF 1)
2000: Anezka (Vampire Redemption)
2000: Imoen (Baldurs Gate 2)
2000: Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark)
2000: Hecubah (Nox)
2000: Julie (Heavy Metal FAKK2)
2000: Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager Elite Force)
2001: Stilletto Anyway (Anachronox)
2001: Alice (American McGee's Alice)
2001: Konoko (Oni)
2001: Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
2001: Rikku (Final Fantasy X)
2002: Alura McCall, Makiko Hayashi, Dominique Paradis und Zoe Nightshade (007 Nightfire)
2002: Amy (Zanzarah)
2002: Aribeth (Neverwinter Nights)
2002: Gina (Runaway)
2002: Sakura Obata (C&C Renegade)
2002: Cate Archer (NOLF 2)
2002: Kate Walker (Syberia)
2002: Rayne (BloodRayne)
2002: Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil Zero)
2003: Bastila Shan in KOTOR 1
2003: Aida (Unreal 2)
2003: Carrie (Chrome)
2003: Cortana (Halo)
2003: Paine (Final Fantasy X-2)
2003: Trinity (Enter the Matrix)
2003: Niobe (Enter the Matrix)
2003: Farah (Prince of Persia: Sands of Time)
2003: Heather Mason (Silent Hill III)
2003: Jade (Beyond Good and Evil)
2003: Kasumi (DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball)
2003: Jun'ko Zane (Freelancer)
2003: Mona Sax (Max Payne 2)
2003: Sarah McDavid (Yager)
2003: Tina Armstrong (DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball)
2004: Jennifer Garner (Alias)
2004: Alyx (Half-Life 2)
2004: Jaina Proudmoore (World of Warcraft)
2004: Angie (Psychotoxic)
2004: Brooke Burke (NFS Underground 2)
2004: Jeanette (Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines)
2004: Kaileena (Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)
2004: Kelly Brook (NFS Underground 2)
2004: Luba Licious (Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude)
2004: Sally Mae (Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude)
2004: Seraphim (Sacred)
2004: Valerie Constantine [Far Cry (dt.)]
2005: Alma (Fear)
2005: Carla Valenti (Fahrenheit)
2005: Eva (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
2005: Lady (Devil May Cry 3)
2005: Joana Dark in Perfect Dark Zero
2005: Josie Maran (NFS Most Wanted)
2005: The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
2005: Assassin (Guild Wars)
2006: Emmanuelle Vaugier (NFS Carbon)
2006: Jen (Prey)
2006: Leanna und Xana (Dark Messiah of Might and Magic)
2006: Nina Kalenkow (Geheimakte Tunguska)
2007: Akasha (Unreal Tournament 3)
2007: Alicia Claus (Bullet Witch)
2007: Alyx (Half-Life 2 EP2 Cinematic Mod 5)
2007: Ashe (Final Fantasy XII)
2007: Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4)
2007: Avalon (Hellgate London)
2007: Chell (Portal)
2007: Female Templar (Hellgate: London)
2007: Helena Rosenthal (Crysis)
2007: Jester (Unreal Tournament 3)
2007: Krystal Forscutt (NFS Pro Street)
2007: Lauren (Unreal Tournament 3)
2007: Little Sister (Bioshock)
2007: Schattenlied (Spellforce 2)
2007: Ursula Mayes (Juiced 2)
2008: Lt. Abigail Black (Clive Barker's Jericho)
2008: Sgt. Wilhelmina Church (Clive Barker's Jericho)
2008: Gemma Atkinson (Lieutenant Eva McKenna) - Alarmstufe Rot 3
2008: Natasha Volkova (Gina Carano) - Alarmstufe Rot 3
2008: Jenny McCarthy - Alarmstufe Rot 3
2008: Zoey in Left 4 Dead
2008: Elika - Prince of Persia
2008: Mona de Lafitte in A Vampyre Story
2008: Ivy Valentine in Soul Calibur IV
2008: Liara T'Soni in Mass Effect
2008: Naomi Hunter in Metal Gear Solid 4
2008: Larisa "Lara" Ivanova Svetlova
2008: Juno Eclipse (The Force Unleashed)
2008: Maris Brood (The Force Unleashed)
2008: Fallout 3 (Clover)
2008: Trish in Devil May Cry 4
2009: Faith in Mirror's Edge (PC)
2009: Sheva Alomar (Resident Evil 5)
2009: Violett Summers (Velvet Assassin)
2009: Alma (FEAR 2)
2009: Lilly (Ceville)
2009: Rhiannon (The Westerner 2)
2009: Marisa (Bound in Blood)
2009: Unbekannte Schönheit (Damnation)
2009: Ruby Malone (Wet)
2009: Ashley Simms (Twin Sector)
2009: Batman Arkham Asylum (Doctor Young)
2009: Batman Arkham Asylum (Harley Quinn)
2009: Bionic Commando (Emily Spencer)
2009: Claudia Black (Dragon Age Origins)
2009: Doctor Ilyssa Selwyn (Ghostbusters The Video Game)
2009: Elaine Marley (Tales of Monkey Island)
2009: Scarlett (Venetica)
2010: Madison Page (Heavy Rain)
2010: Lauren Winter (Heavy Rain)
2010: Subject Zero (Mass Effect 2)
2010: Miranda (Mass Effect 2)
2010: Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
2009 Skylar (Saboteur)
2010: Big Sister (Bioshock 2)
2010: Lucy Stillman (Assassin's Creed 2)
2010: Gracie Ancelotti (GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony)
2010 Myra Lee (Shadow Harvest)
2011: E'lara Hunted (The Demons Forge)
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Новости партнёров
1. Ник - SS.Victory
вконтакте - vk.com/id55314389
2. Ник - Chernichka[BDSM]
вконтакте - vk.com/qualla
3. Ник - MariaGub
вконтакте - vk.com/mariasovel
4. Ник - ·ShaDy·LaDy·
5. Ник - Ди
6. Ник - StH.JIисичкА или StH.Bacardi
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