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Почему сорвались секретные антивоенные переговоры с Финляндией

Почему сорвались секретные антивоенные переговоры с Финляндией

После вакханалии «исторических открытий» и переоценки ценностей конца 1980-х – первой половины 1990-х годов утверждать, что Советский Союз изначально не хотел войны с Финляндией, значит навлечь на себя гнев подавляющего большинства либеральных профессоров истории и всей Высшей школы экономики разом.


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Matti meikalainen 5 лет назад
"Валерий 21 час назад финны участвовали в блокаде Ленинграда. мне этого достаточно."

This infact is incorrect.

Siege of Leningrad happened after winterwar but the case here relates to the later siege of (8 September 1941 - 27 January 1944)

In Continuation War (Finnish term for the separate war between Finland and U.S.S.R between 1941-1944 or Russian term Soviet-Finnish Front of the Great Patriotic War) Finland did not take active role in siege of Leningrad.

1.Finnish leadership denied demands of German high command to take part in the assault of Leningrad (Source: Max Jakobson, Väkivallan vuodet, 1999, page 330)
2.Finnish airforce did not bomb Leningrad once. Mannerheim forbid this (Source: G. Mannerheim, Muistelmat, Toinen osa, 1952, page 324)
3.Finnish long range artillery did not once shoot to the city of Leningrad. (Also forbidden my Mannerheim)
4.Finland did not allow German troops in Finnish territory in Area southern territory be stationed for siege of Leningrad.
5.Finnish forced did not take active role preventing "Road of life" over lake Lagoka being used what in fact was the only real way to evacuate civilians after 19 November 1941.

Reasons for the lackluster interest to take part in operations against Leningrad by Finnish leadership was.

1.Finland had it's own self preservation in mind. Finland had entered the war to reclaim the areas it had lost during winterwar to Soviet union not to claim new conquests.
2.Finnish leadership made conscious decision to limit the aggressiveness of Finnish troops to gain political capital with soviet union (Source: Wolf H. Halsti, Kesäsota 1941 (Sarjasta Suomen Sota 1939-1945 II osa), page 72
3.In general Finnish mentality culture not to mention manpower (Nation of 3 million at the time) did not induce situation where Finnish troops would be ready to fight war of conquest.

It is good to say we had very far sighted and wise leaders at the time in Finland who saw the risks of taking part of siege of Leningrad and other operations (for example operation to cut the Murmask railway what also was forbidden my Mannerheim)
They correctly reasoned if Finnish would threaten vital interests of Soviet nation the Russian people who would always exists would one day take revenge.
Finland had no racial or fascistic fervor nor interest in them (although there were some symptoms but these were suppressed by Government and the secret police SUPO)

All this in effect saved Finland in the aftermath where Stalin made peace with Finland (4th November 1944) with quite lenient terms (Border of 1939 winter war and loss of Petsamo and substantial war reparations)

Finnish Bloke.
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Matti meikalainen 5 лет назад

I am a frequent reader of Fishi of Finnish origin and I would like to take this change to make some corrections and pointers related to the post about Finnish-Russo Winter war.
I would like at first to say wars indeed wars between Finnish and Russian people are maybe not always avoidable but all effort should be done to upkeep the peace.
I personally have great respect toward Russian people culture and life and hope Russian people in general to have similar feelings toward Finnish people.

My pointers.

1.The main reason for the war was fear of Soviet state of German expansion and distrust and fear Finnish people would not or could not resist effectively possible German pressure.

Soviet Union demanded "Security guarantees" From Finland Estonia Latvia and Lithuania.

1(a) Finnish perspective was as newly independent nation to stay out of conflicts of major nations and alliances and upkeep its independent freedom.
2(b) There was great fear in Finland Soviet's demands would mean becoming De facto vassal state or lose independence fully and retrospectively it was correct assumption following the events of (15 June 1940 Invasion and occupation of Lithuania by Soviet union and 16 June 1940 Soviet invasion and occupation of Estonia and Latvia)

In effect Finland had 3 options.

1.Submit to demands of Moscow and reduce it's independent action and freedom.
2.Resist the demands and risk war.
3.Seek western help against Soviet Union.

Finnish leadership was ready for compromise in most areas but not in areas where accepting the demand would mean being militarily under control of Soviet union.

The main reason why the negotiations broke were question of Hanko peninsula.

The Soviet union wished to prevent possible German navy moving toward strategic base of the Soviet navy in Kronstadt by closing the baltic sea with mines and fortifications.
Leasing Hanko would mean for the Finnish Soviets would be able fully control Finnish sea-trade to our capital and main ports and give Soviet union a base in Finland proper (Able to bomb our capital with ease and threaten it with stationed troops)

This was too far for Finnish leadership and as nation itself.

It would be good to mention here Stalin at the moment very much wanted to make treaty with Finland and took many steps to bring a peaceful conclusion to the negotiations.
The problem was in the end Stalin's and Soviet leaderships inability to understand the cultural and social structure of Finland what was such that demands backed with threats caused Finnish nation become more likely to resist rather that back down and Finnish inability to realize the seriousness of Russian demands and hope Soviets would be convinced of Finnish strong wish and promise stay neutral in any conflict and not endanger Soviet union in Case of war with Germany.

There is error in article that relates to (Viipuri Viborg) Viipuri and 1812 the area of Viborg Governorate have been inhabited by Finnish from at least from early 1200's Viipuri castle was build 1293 while Finland was grand duchy of Sweden.
In the great northern war Sweden lost City of Viborg (1710) in 1812 Viipuri and the area of Viborg Governorate was given back by Russians to the autonomic grand duchy of Finland and stayed so till 1940 when in peace treaty Finland was forced to give it to Soviet state.

Tragedies like winter war are sad examples how neighbors end up fighting over reasons that would be fully avoidable with mutual trust and friendship.

This is even more important to remember when nations are again becoming more nationalistic more isolistic when the ideas of the past are again coming to our life...

In the end cooperation and Friendship between nations is the only real and sensible constructive and beneficial way of life


A Finnish Bloke.
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