Jim Knox Interviews Baby, Calls It A Girl (It's A Boy)

Jim Knox Interviews Baby, Calls It A Girl (It's A Boy)

We’ve all been there, especially if we’ve ever waited tables.
“What’s her name?”
“Mark? Mark! Looking good…OK!”
Here, oft-failing Texas Rangers reporter Jim Knox learns a valuable lesson about The Pronoun Game. You can never assume the sexual identity of a baby, especially not in 2013, even if they’re wearing a bright pink onesie that says I’M A GIRL across the front of it. “What’s the little one’s name” would’ve worked well. Also, NOT INTERVIEWING BABIES.
That poor dad. Look at him! Or … uh, I guess maybe “that poor mom?” I don’t want to assume. That poor person holding that non-specific child-shaped happening looks so sad.
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